

14 Vermooten Street Brackenhurst Alberton

[email protected]
Office: 010 597 0835
Registration number: 2018/242685/07
Vat nr: 4070281904

Quote Number QUO-284
Quote Date June 9, 2021
Total R104,000.00
Icebolethu Group
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
200 TCF Workshop: Management and non-manegement employees

The workshop is a one day workshop.
The workshop is to accommodate no more than 50 learners at a time. Therefore, the training program will span over five days to accommodate all learners.
The client will advise which groups are to receive training intended for management and which groups for non-management.
Compliance and Learning Center is to pay for the travelling and accommodation costs of the facilitator.
Each learner is to be provided with a printed copy of the reference material.
The client is to provide the venue, refreshments and meals.

Sub Total R104,000.00
VAT R13,565.22
Total R104,000.00

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