COB Designed to save you time!

Class of business training is delivered via our on-line easy to use e-learning management system.

Overlapping modules in different classes of business only need to be completed once.

Delivery of COB training

CPD programs are delivered via our on-line easy to use e-learning platform.

Courses have been planned to save you time. Many of the classes of business have overlapping subject matter and therefore we divided our COB courses into modules.

Overlapping modules in different classes of business only need to be completed once. The following expose details which modules need to be completed in order to award you with a certificate of completion for a particular class of business.

Class 1: Short-term insurance: Personal lines

  • COB General Module: All Classes of Business
  • COB Intermediate Module: Class 1 & 2
  • COB Final Module: Class 1

Class 2: Short-term insurance: Commercial lines

  • COB General Module: All Classes of Business
  • COB Intermediate Module: Class 1 & 2
  • COB Final Module: Class 2

Class 3: Long-term insurance

  • COB General Module: All Classes of Business
  • COB Intermediate Module: Class 3; 4; 5; 6; 7 & 8
  • COB Final Module: Class 3

Class 4: Pension fund benefits

  • COB General Module: All Classes of Business
  • COB Intermediate Module: Class 3; 4; 5; 6; 7 & 8
  • COB Final Module: Class 4

Class 5: Short term and long term deposits

  • COB General Module: All Classes of Business
  • COB Intermediate Module: Class 5 & 6
  • COB Final Module: Class 5

Class 6: Structured deposits

  • COB General Module: All Classes of Business
  • COB Intermediate Module: Class 3; 4; 5; 6; 7 & 8
  • COB Intermediate Module: Class 5 & 6
  • COB Final Module: Class 6

Class 7: Investments

  • General Module: All Classes of Business
  • Intermediate Module: Class 3; 4; 5; 6; 7 & 8
  • Final Module: Class 7

Class 8: Forex investment business

  • General Module: All Classes of Business
  • Intermediate Module: Class 3; 4; 5; 6; 7 & 8
  • Final Module: Class 8

Class 9: Health service benefits

  • General Module: All Classes of Business
  • Final Module: Class 9
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COB Training fee 2023

The fee per Class of Business is R595 VAT inclusive.

Fees are calculated on a sliding scale according to the number of courses subscribed to.

For corporate groups; the total number of courses subscribed to for the group is considered when awarding discount


Number of courses Percentage discount awarded Vat inclusive fee per course
1 0% R595
2-5 8% R547
6-9 12% R523
10-14 15% R404
15-19 18% R488
20-25 20% R476
26-30 25% R446
30+ 30% R416


Frequently Asked Questions

Who must complete COB?

All representatives appointed on or from 1 April 2018 has 12 months from date of first appointment to complete the relevant Class of Business training.

Key individuals must complete the relevant Class of business training before approval will be granted by FSCA.

Representatives providing financial services in terms of Tier 2 products are exempted from the COB training requirement.

Key individuals in Long-term insurance A and Friendly Society Benefits are exempted from the COB training requirement.

Which COB must I complete?

The COB which you must complete depends on the categories for which the key individual or representative are authorised in.


Code Cat I Code Cat II/IIA Product category Class of business training to complete
1.1 N/A Long-term insurance: Subcategory A N/A: Exempted
1.2 N/A Short-term insurance: Personal lines Class 1: Short-term insurance: Personal lines
1.3 2.1 Long-term insurance: Subcategory B1 Class 3: Long-term insurance
1.4 2.2 Long-term insurance: Subcategory C Class 3: Long-term insurance
1.5 2.3 Retail pensions benefits Class 7: Investments
1.6 N/A Short-term insurance: Commercial lines Class 2: Short-term insurance: Commercial lines
1.7 2.4 Pension fund benefits Class 4: Pension fund benefits
1.8 2.5 S & I: Shares Class 7: Investments
1.9 2.6 S & I: Money market instruments
1.10 2.7 S & I: Debentures and securitized debt
1.11 2.8 S & I: Warrants, certificates and other instruments acknowledging debt
1.12 2.9 S & I: Bonds
1.13 2.10 S & I: Derivative instruments excluding warrants and a forex investment
1.14 2.11 Collective investment schemes Class 7: Investments
1.15 2.12 Forex investment business Class 8: Forex investments
1.16 N/A Health service benefits Class 9: Health Services Benefits
1.17 2.13 Long-term deposits N/A: Exempted
1.18 2.14 Short-term deposits N/A: Exempted
1.19 N/A Friendly society benefits N/A: Exempted
1.20 2.15 Long-term insurance: Subcategory B2 N/A: Exempted
1.21 2.16 Long-term insurance: Subcategory B2-A N/A: Exempted
1.22 2.17 Long-term insurance: Subcategory B1-A N/A: Exempted
1.23 N/A Short-term Insurance Personal lines A1 N/A: Exempted
1.24 2.18 Structured deposits Class 6: Structured deposits
1.25 2.19 Securities and instruments Class 7: Investments
1.26 2.20 Participatory interest in a CIS hedge fund Class 7: Investments